Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I'm Taking a class in artificial intelligence. I find it boring and pointless since no computer will ever be able to function like the human brain any time soon. Every subject in the class is about complex behavioral algorithms not intelligence. Imagine turning a machine on in the middle of the forest, without any external instructions or built in behavioral algorithms, a real AI would be able to slowly learn to move and act on the environment all on its own. Its what a human would do, assuming it had no desire to eat or anything like that... you get the point. I would be much more interested in a class about building the hardware that functions like a human brain. Like learning to build a big glass tank filled with goo and crazy wires connecting to a giant squishy artificial brain mass. yea...

If you are reading this you are probably mat or cheryl, and i only wrote this to show you that i have stick-to-it-ivness If you are not either of them, please leave a comment or i will probably never post anything again.

1 comment:

Mat Calica said...

I've never liked the term "artificial intelligence." It implies something that isn't possible to achieve with machines. Like you said, a computer can't learn without human interaction. Thus, intelligent it is not!

Even the baby left in the woods learned a behavior and a way of living... Raised by wolves. A computer couldn't be raised by wolves.